Should I Pu a Sock Ove My Cast


What were the symptoms of your broken foot? Submit Your Comment

Comment from: Kris, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 05

I walked off the curb and fell on to my side. I instantly knew that something was wrong. My foot hurt so bad but I waited until the next morning to go to the emergency room (ER). I was told I broke 3 metatarsal bones (2-4) in my left foot. I was in a splint for 2 months, non-weight-bearing, and then I was in a walking boot for 2 months. Now, I have a cast and back to non-weight-bearing. It has 20 weeks and the bones are not completely healed. My foot still swells throughout the day. I don't know how much more I can take.

Comment from: Babs, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 09

I broke 2 toes 8 months ago and I still struggle when walking. Under my foot I feel as if I'm walking on a marble, which is very painful.

Comment from: Haruka, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 14

I got a Jones fracture in my foot while dancing 3 weeks ago. For 2 weeks had to use crutches and the 3rd week, I can walk but it still hurts.

Comment from: evelyn, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 14

I broke the fourth metatarsal over 2 years ago. My foot still swells up and it is agony sometimes. The bone forms a 7 shape. It has never returned to normal.

Comment from: Judy, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 07

I fractured my foot in mid-January and didn't know it. My foot felt a bit sore, but it didn't stop me from walking in it. Three weeks on I had an X-ray and it showed a fracture at the base of my small toe. The doctor recommended a moon boot, which I wore on and off for the next 6 weeks. With another X-ray they have put plaster on and I'm not to put any weight on it. It is not sore. I'm finding it very difficult on crutches, as I live on my own. I'm doing the best.

Comment from: Karen W, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 26

I am still getting pain in my foot 20 months after a fracture.

Comment from: Lisa, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 07

I fell off a step stool on 8/18/19 and went to the hospital. They told me I had a broken fifth metatarsal in the foot. They put it in a soft cast, and told me to see an orthopedic doctor. I went that week, very swollen. The X-rays from the hospital, he told me, showed a clean break. I was put in a surgical shoe, and told to stay off it. I went back in 6 weeks, for gentle physical therapy (PT). It throbbed, and I did PT for 4 weeks. I was told to wear a supportive shoe and fell going down the steps. The emergency room (ER) thought it wasn't healing. Orthopedist dismissed it. It is now 4/3/21 and it still hurts.

Comment from: Dink, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: March 26

I broke my ankle or foot, I don't know which, 7 months ago and they didn't find the break for 4 months, so I'd walked on it. I only had a bad sprain they told me, so now it's 7 months in and I'm still hobbling around with a swollen ankle and in a lot of pain. I don't know how to make it feel better and I don't know how to get well. I've lost all my energy and I'm pretty cranky. I'm 72 years old and I don't want to think that that's the reason that I am not healing. I need a solution.

Comment from: Dena, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 23

I broke my foot in the backyard, coming down stairs in the dark. Missed the last step and fell, it happened so fast... next thing I knew I was on the cement! Pain was so great, I couldn't walk on it or move my toes. I went to Urgent Care the next day and x-ray showed broken foot. I can't bear any weight for two weeks.

Comment from: Sean, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: October 13

I feel your pain (pun intended). I broke my 5th metatarsal 18 months ago. It causes me pain every day. At the point of the break, I have a band of pain that spans the width of my foot. It's ruining my life!

Comment from: Nate, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: September 29

I was in a car accident, and my seat belt may have saved my life. It clung to my chest holding my upper body where it was… not the case with my lower body. The car door had opened, the car had begun rolling and stayed rolling for 85 feet from what I am told. My legs dangled out and with every roll of the car shattered my legs again and again. My feet were destroyed and have been rebuilt along with my legs with plates, screws, rods and nails. After 130 days I am still in hospital and at rest my feet and legs ache and hurt.


Emotional trauma is best described as a psychological response to a deeply distressing or life-threatening experience. See Answer

Comment from: Majkl, 19-24 Male (Patient) Published: September 25

I broke my metatarsus in 4 places, and after 4 months it still hurts. I can walk and run, but slow and weird. It is still swollen a little bit. I hope I will recover because I am into sports a lot and now I am in dark times.

Comment from: kaycat, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 25

I was playing basketball and did a fast pivot turn trying to defend the ball. I felt like a rubber band had snapped in my foot, and the pain left me on the ground for a few seconds. When I stood up I couldn't bear to put weight on it so I iced it thinking I'd sprained my ankle. The next morning it was really bruised so I went to the doctor and they told me I had fractured my fifth metatarsal. I'm 4 weeks in and it still hurts to put weight on it. I hope it's not like this for a lot longer.

Comment from: jon, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: August 13

Reading some of the comments makes me laugh. Im a year in fact over a year now to the day I broke my 5th metatarsal. It is still giving me shooting bolts of pain, and the reason is moving awkwardly, twisting my foot. Stepping on uneven ground can send me completely off balance due to not being able to put pressure on that foot. How long does it take to heal! Wonder if there is anyone else with this length of time and problem.

Comment from: Always painful , 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: April 02

I have fallen off the roof of my house and landed on my feet on the sidewalk below and broke them. This was 20 years ago and my feet still hurt to this day. I can't stand for more than 10 minutes or walk much more than that. If I could have my feet transplanted, I would sign up today.

Comment from: Renee, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: December 03

My foot rolled while walking down stairs and I fell from the second step to the sidewalk. Badly scratched up right foot and knee, but the severe pain was in and near my left ankle. I was dizzy, nauseous, and couldn't bear weight. X-rays taken an hour later showed fracture of 5th metatarsal, and the doctor said the other sharp pain directly over my ankle was likely a sprain. No swelling nor discoloration; no treatment except a flat Velcro shoe. After a week I could bear a little weight, but still hurts 3 weeks since the fall.

Comment from: Love2Bike ??, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 04

I was hit by a car while riding my bike. The car slowed down, but decided to roll stop sign, right when I was crossing the bike route and my leg was struck by bumper. My foot rolled inward and I fell to the ground from the excruciating pain. At urgent care I was told that it was just a small fracture, with symptoms of numbness, shooting pain, bruising and swelling. I underwent an MRI that showed 5 fractures including a Jones fracture, and avulsion injuries. Currently 6 weeks in and pain is now a 7 to 8 most nights.

Comment from: Mo, 75 or over Female (Patient) Published: July 02

I slipped down the stairs and crashed my left foot at the bottom. I felt dizzy and sick at first. I waited till the day after to visit Accident and Emergency, thinking it may feel better. There were 4 metatarsals fractured in my foot. I was fitted with a fiber cast, and a protective bootee. After 7.5 weeks this was removed. Now my foot is very swollen, more painful than when in a cast. The doctor told me it will be a couple of months before the swelling goes down.

Comment from: Ithurtyo, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 31

My story is a funny one. I stood on my bed to kill a spider and the spider decided to jump at me so I jumped backwards in fear and fell off my bed rolling my ankle. Crack… My foot swelled on impact. Looked like a bump localized in one area of my foot. I couldn't walk on it at this time. Hospital never gave me pain medicines either; even had me walk on it. Next day more x-rays and a boot for the broken foot. It's healing well now. Bruising and swelling are down a week later.

Comment from: TsinTexas, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: March 25

A misstep over uneven concrete caused me to break my 5th metatarsal in 4 places, in my right foot. It was a week before I got in for surgery. Plates, pins were put in and I was in a hard, non-weight bearing cast for 12 weeks. It has still not healed. I am 59 years old. I started supplements on my own, feeling very frustrated, it is still painful. I go back in 3 days. I have fallen on the foot several times with unsteady scooter. It is awful being older and completely inactive.

Comment from: Bel, 35-44 Female (Caregiver) Published: October 09

I got up off the couch and started to walk. I think I rolled my right ankle but I heard a big crack sound. I went dizzy for at least 10 minutes. I cannot turn my foot to the right or flex my foot to straighten it as I get a sharp pain coming from near the ankle. At the moment I can only keep my foot up, I'm not sure if I've broken the ankle. It's very painful if I try to turn my foot.


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Comment from: Lizbeth, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: September 05

The symptoms of my broken foot are intense pain in the foot with pain sensations shooting up through the leg.

Comment from: Lozza, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 23

I fell over in the street and my right foot was in so much pain, but I suffered it till the next day. Then I went to the hospital and got an x-ray. My bone on side between my little toe and my ankle is broken. They gave a shoe and the doctor told me he doesn't know how long it will take to heal, and to just do what I can. I asked if I should come back and he said no. It's been 3 weeks and I have still got pain when I walk on it or stand. I am ok when resting but can't sit on a settee for weeks and I live on my own.

Comment from: Left foot, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: April 01

I broke a bone in my left foot when I landed on a stick and it rolled. Immediately it started swelling, nausea set in and I thought I would faint. I went to the emergency room, and x-ray said the (fifth) bone was broken. Referred me to bone and joint clinic, they confirmed and said if I was 18 they would pin it. No hard cast was put on and they sent me on my way because I had no insurance. That was 7 months ago. Recently I had it x-rayed again and the bone is still not healed, about an inch is still separated and it still hurts. I can't wear shoe for long time.

Comment from: Amy, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 09

I am having foot pain. It hurts to walk on my right foot or move my toes. I'm not sure how I have broken it.

Comment from: Mae, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I broke my foot and I've been in walking boot for 8 months. It is still painful, and now, the other foot hurts from putting too much pressure on it. It should have healed by now. The doctor says to try walking on the foot slowly with walking boot on, but it still hurts.

Comment from: Mandy , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 31

I broke my triangular bone in the foot and got plates and screws put in each side of my foot. That was 3 months ago. I have been walking without the boot for 3 weeks now. I still can't walk properly and am worried in case I am left with a limp.

Comment from: Hazel, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: November 21

I don't know if I have broken my foot or not. I dropped a flat pack wardrobe on it 3 weeks ago. The swelling at the top is still there and its very tender to touch. Also when I put my shoes on its so painful so not sure what I have done.

Comment from: Brenda, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: October 01

I dropped a pop can on my foot. It has been black and blue, and swollen, for about 2 1/2 weeks. I am worried if it broke. It hurts putting on a shoe and sock.

Comment from: Dd, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

I slipped just a little bit on some bubbles when the grandbaby was blowing them and my foot slipped under the door and pulled and bent the heck out of my three toes, baby toe and the other two next to it, and I think I might have broken the top of my foot. I iced everywhere for the first four or five days, but it is still so sore. Wonder if there is anything that can be done at this point two weeks later.

Comment from: Evelyn, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 21

I tripped over a cord and fell down. I broke my left foot at the 4th metatarsal. My ankle is swelling and turning purple.

Comment from: Broken foot, 35-44 Male (Patient) Published: October 03

I got my fifth metatarsal bone and pinky toe broke by getting run over by a full size Dodge quad cab diesel truck with the right front wheel. It rolled on my foot and twisted the tire right on top of my foot causing severe pain; I thought it ripped my toes off. I was treated with a shoe and told to stay off of it. And it still hurts badly, I think it is broken worse because I can't stay off of it. I was wearing protection sandals with a triangle buckle above my pinky toe and the one next to it.

Comment from: Shirley, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 02

I fell off a ladder and the left side of my foot in the middle on the outside is swollen and hurts when I step on it or even when I'm not on it. I am afraid I have broken my foot.

Comment from: Ron, 75 or over Male (Patient) Published: September 11

I wonder if I can wear a moon boot until my broken foot starts to heal up. I have been wearing it for 4 months now, but my foot still aches a lot without it, so I keep it on.

Comment from: Steph, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 30

I slipped at work last week and didn't think anything of it; just happy that I caught myself. Now my foot is hurting whether walking or sitting. It is making me sick to my stomach. Nothing is swollen. I do have a ganglion cyst on top of my foot. The pain is in the outer side of my ankle and heel. I wonder if the foot is broken.

Comment from: Surplus, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: April 19

I rolled my right foot and broke the 5th metatarsal. I felt pain immediately and I also have been recovering from a broken femur on the same side. I immediately put ice on it. The doctor could not see me the next day, and I went to the emergency room, had x-rays, and was told to get a boot. The pain is minimal, which I feel grateful for. I was wearing flip flops and this is how my foot rolled. I still feel confused about the boot as I m a very active person. I have rented a scooter; not easy to get around in a 3 story house so I do put a little pressure on that foot with a cane as well.

Comment from: shazza, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: September 01

Severe pain when I came to. Hard to walk on, at this stage didn't realize was broken. Pain intensifying, nausea. Could not touch area, foot swelling like a balloon, and broken bone on outside of right foot. Foot in cast and on crutches. Slightly can weight bear (nearly 2 week). Cannot work for up to eight weeks. Constant pain and tingling in foot.

Comment from: Baby D, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 15

It has been 5 months since I fractured my ankle. I was standing on uneven surface all day and was unable to walk by the end of the day. Wonder if this is common or something I need to be worried about.

Comment from: D-bone, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: December 02

Just the other day, I was putting on my pants and noticed that my right foot had a 3 inch oblong bruise on the top about 2 inches from the toes, and was swollen twice the size of my other foot! The foot didn't really hurt to walk on, but I have neuropathic damage due to a bad work related back injury, so the foot is numb much of the time. I don't know whether I should go to Urgent Care and get an x-ray.

Comment from: Fed-up, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 20

It was late but the plants I had ready for planting in pots were looking sad so I decided to water them. To get to the tap I only had to go down the 3 steps off my friend's decking. It was dark, around about midnight. I managed the first step next moment I was in the road. Although it hurt I didn't think it was broken. This being a Sunday, my son picked me up on Monday. I didn't go to the hospital till Thursday and I got my new accessory 'the boot.' I have now had it on for 11 weeks as it wasn't healed after the 6 week checkup. I am due again next week and as far I can tell it is still broken. I am so fed up. I can't drive, wear nice clothes or my lovely high heeled shoes.

Comment from: ActiveMom, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: March 03

I broke my 5th metatarsal bone stepping on an uneven surface. I have been in a boot and crutches (no weight on it at all). X-ray this week doesn't show any healing. Today it is hurting.

Comment from: Zuko, Male (Patient) Published: December 16

I fell. I had a subtalar dislocation plus two fractured bones in my foot/ankle. The outline of tibia was visible. This was a severe injury and super painful. I didn't know I'd fractured my foot because the dislocation was so bad. I had a smart orthopedic surgeon though! He recommended surgery, pins, and no weight bearing. I'm doing much better now.

Comment from: tfla93, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: November 25

I was semi-sleeping when I heard my sister scream. Without thinking (or simply yelling back) I ran and fell in the kitchen. I had severe pain, swelling, etc. Eventually I went to orthopedic surgeon after visiting urgent care where they told me I broke the second, third, and fourth metatarsals at the base. No surgery was needed since the bones did not shift. I have to keep a cast and crutches for another three weeks to see how it's healing. My mom was cleaning kitchen floor today and I didn't know and I walked in on my crutches and slipped, catching myself on my bad foot, of course. It hurt a little at first, but feels fine now. Guess what? I'm staying out of the kitchen for the next month!!

Comment from: Zumeraga, 45-54 Male (Patient) Published: January 28

I was going up a flight of stairs at work. I made it up the first landing and was turning and rotating my foot for the second landing, and felt and heard a loud "POP' in my left foot. Immediately after, I felt severe pain and swelling in foot and ankle. Went to dispensary the next day and told I had broken the foot and ankle. Now I'm in a "moon boot" with crutches.

Comment from: sorefoot, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 12

I had a brick fall on my foot and now it is swollen and bruised. It is extremely sore and it is hard to walk. I am waiting for my doctor to get my X-ray results. Ouch!

Comment from: Layback76, 55-64 Male (Patient) Published: May 30

Don't really know how I broke the 5th metatarsal. It started to hurt a bit while walking to the train station. I work as a security guard so was on my feet much of the night. By the end of the night my foot really hurt. Being a dumb male, I waited for seven weeks before seeing a doctor, and four more weeks after that before seeing a podiatrist. He assumed that there was no break since I had been walking on it all that time. An X-ray was finally taken 10 days later that showed a clear break. I've been wearing a walking boot for the last three months with only partial healing. Surgery to have a screw implanted has been brought up as a possibility.

Comment from: Nancy, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: December 13

I rolled my right foot at work and since I think I'm superwoman, I assumed I just sprained it. It took a while but it healed. I still had problems (soreness, weak, etc.) but never went to the doctor. I finally relented and went to a specialist. He took x-rays and told me I had broken it and promptly put me in a boot cast so I could still walk/work.

Comment from: Dee, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 15

I slipped and fell on a hidden step in a hot tub and broke my 4th and 5th metatarsals. I was given a black boot and crutches. After 4 weeks, the X-ray showed not much healing. Now after six weeks it's still painful and swelling every day. I have an appointment to see an orthopedic surgeon so not sure what will happen next.

Comment from: Margie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 15

I was at the beach. I was seating on a deck in a steel bar stool, When I got up I didn't know my skirt was caught in the chair , as I ascended the steps on the deck the chair followed me and landed on my foot. I have never felt that kind of pain in my life. My foot swelled up 3 times bigger than it was normally. The outcome was to have surgery on my foot within 10 days or I wouldn't be able to walk on that foot again. I had pins and a rod put in my foot and was told I should not put any pressure on my foot for three months. I am now in a boot that I can only take off at bed time and in the shower. The pain after surgery was very hard. I have eight more weeks before I can walk again.

Comment from: Barbie, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: August 01

I hyper-extended my foot falling down some stairs, causing a broken foot.

Comment from: Cindy, 45-54 Female (Caregiver) Published: July 14

I fell when my foot went into a small pothole. I got up and tried to walk and fell again. By the time I was X-rayed, the doctors tell me that my foot was broken in three places.

Comment from: lakegirl, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 07

I walk three miles, five days per week with my dog. My foot began to hurt like a strained muscle. My doctor finally convinced me to get an X-ray, which revealed that my foot is broken. Now I'm in a cast. I can't wait until this is over.

Very painful, swollen at least twice it's normal size. There is deep purple bruising across the entire top of foot ankle alongside ankle and on bottom of foot. It has now been two weeks and the bruising is gone, however, the pain is still very much still there and a large knot on the side of foot. My foot is broken at the third metatarsal and is broken and one piece is sitting on top of the other. Today I go see an orthopedic specialist and don't know what will happen at this time.

Comment from: Brendan Carroll, 55-64 Female (Caregiver) Published: January 27

My wife broke and dislocated her ankle almost five years ago and she is now almost hardly able to walk. She had steel plates and screws put in, and they were left there for two and a half years, then when her foot got bad, they took out the plates, but by then her foot was completely locked, and even physiotherapy can't work. The bones are touching off each other and her foot gets inflamed and very sore.

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Should I Pu a Sock Ove My Cast


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